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Thanks to local business for End Hunger donation

Thanks to local business for End Hunger donation

December 28, 2016

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Rev. Robert P. Hahn
, Huntingtown.

On behalf of Calvert’s neediest families, End Hunger In Calvert County extends its deepest gratitude and thanks to Geoff Wannamaker and the entire team at Bayside Auto Group for their generous donation of $23,100 to feed the hungry in our community. During the month of October, the dealership donated $100 for every car they sold. This donation represents six months of food for 15,000 people.

The best part is that it’s Bayside’s employees and customers, under Geoff’s leadership, are the ones who accomplished this. Together, they united around a local cause to make a real difference in the lives of Calvert County residents.

Geoff Wanamaker and the leadership at Bayside Auto Group have created a culture in which they care about people.

They understand that caring about people and giving back to your community is not just good for business; it is good business. And that’s really all we have to do, care about people.

Together with our 44 partner feeding organizations, End Hunger In Calvert County distributes over 1 million pounds of food into Calvert County every year.

It’s community partners like Bayside Auto Group who embrace our “Give Where You Live” motto that truly make this level of care possible.

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