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Thanks for successful ‘Farm to Table’ breakfast

Thanks for successful ‘Farm to Table’ breakfast

May 1, 2015

On Saturday, March 21, the Calvert County Farm Bureau, along with the Calvert County Young Farmers, held its first “Farm to Table” breakfast. There were several goals we hoped to accomplish with this event: celebrate National Agricultural Week by highlighting the production of farms in Calvert County and using locally grown food at the breakfast; raise money for college scholarships and leadership training for the Young Farmers; and promote a farmer connection with the residents of our county. With the community’s overwhelming support, we are pleased to report that the goals were met.
The farm bureau would like to thank our generous sponsors, without whom this event would not have been so successful: Marshall Insurance Co. (Robin Marshall), Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (Carrie Polk), Prince Frederick Ford, Bayside Toyota and Chevrolet, Lusby Motor Co., A.H. Hatcher, Hatcher Feed Supply Inc., 231 Feed and Farm Supply, Calvert Farmland Trust, Charles F. Weber Co., Taney Place Farm, Bill Chambers, CETY Grant, Colonial Farm Credit, Chesapeake’s Bounty and Spider Hall Farm Stand.
The Farm bureau would also like to thank all those who donated products and services, the End Hunger Culinary School students who helped prepare and cook the food and the Calvert Future Farmers of America for serving with a smile. We hope this will become an annual event. So, we would like to call on all farm product vendors. Come highlight your wares next year. We will be in touch.
Susie Hance-Wells, Prince Frederick
The writer is the Calvert County Farm Bureau president.

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