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Power plant’s information night is a treat

Power plant’s information night is a treat

October 18, 2017

Lusby, MD – So what did the public—grownups and children—learn about Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant during the facility’s annual Community Information Night Friday, Oct. 27? It would appear it’s a great place to go trick-or-treating and get lots of candy.
The Lusby power plant added a new twist to the annual event by scheduling it the Friday before Halloween. Plant officials used the occasion to encourage public support for United Way of Calvert County and End Hunger in Calvert County. Nearly 20 entities participated in the new Halloween rage—trunk-or-treat—which was held in the office facility parking lot.
“Great crowd, great turnout on a beautiful evening,” declared Calvert Cliffs Site Vice President Mark Flaherty.
In addition to all the Halloween fun outside, officials from Exelon were on hand to talk about various aspects of the plant, including worker safety, radiation safety, emergency preparedness and the plant’s annual refueling process.
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant is Maryland’s only nuclear energy facility. The plant’s two reactors are capable of generating 1,768 megawatts combined. The facility has been in operation for over 40 years.
Contact Marty Madden at

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