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Local groups partner with End Hunger in Calvert County

Local groups partner with End Hunger in Calvert County

September 21, 2011

Elk’s Lodge 2620 of Prince Frederick and the Spiritualist Society of North Beach (SSNB) raised $1,700 combined for End Hunger in Calvert County (EHCC).
Through their sponsored events, the Elk’s Summer Shrimp Feast, and SSNB’s Annual Charity Fundraiser the organizations raised $800 and $900 respectively by selling tickets with proceeds benefiting EHCC. Though the Elk’s Lodge and SSNB operate with different purposes, they both have the same desire and that is to serve and focus their efforts to supporting local charities.
“Spiritualist Society of North Beach is focused on providing for those in need in Calvert County,” said Nancy M. Roczek, a member of the board of directors for the Spiritualist Society, in a press release. “We hosted our first charity event for End Hunger in Calvert County. We had a great turnout and people donated salads, desserts, and their time to make the event a success. We also had the support of local businesses (Roland’s Grocery and Blondie’s) that donated food items. In addition, Abigail Fransisco School of Classical Ballet Dance Ensemble performed for the guests and together we raised over $900 for this wonderful organization.”
“Calvert Elk’s Lodge 2620 was honored to present a check for $800 to End Hunger in Calvert County at our Family Day Picnic, this year,” said Fred Wiles, the lodge’s leading knight for Elk Lodge 2620, in the press release. “The Elks are built upon four primary principles, one of them being charity. I believe we should take care of our local community first, so I have chosen to direct our focus on supporting local charities this year.”
“One of the greatest privileges I have is working with those who are gripped by need in Calvert County and are compelled to do their part,” said Jacqueline Hahn, director of communications for End Hunger In Calvert County, in the release. “That is what the Elk’s Lodge and Spiritualist Society have done; they truly embody our motto of ‘Together We Can.’ It is a honor to partner with both of them and I believe this is only the beginning because together we really can.”
EHCC strives to create real and meaningful ways for individuals, businesses and groups to get involved. For more information about End Hunger in Calvert County, go to
EHCC is an association of more than 30 businesses, 10 county food pantries, 26 churches and community groups united behind the goal of ending hunger in Calvert County.

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