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Letter to the Editor from End Hunger In Calvert County

Letter to the Editor from End Hunger In Calvert County

December 26, 2015

Dear Calvert County,
Can you believe that it has been seven years since Calvert County was gripped by the vision that we could end hunger in our community? Seven years ago you, our partners, decided that life in Calvert County could be different. That by working together we could help move people from dependency to self-sufficiency in a way that creates and sustains real life change. Well friends, seven years later we are seeing the fruit of your dedication. For seven years you have been about the cause, hunger, owning both the problem and the solution. Thank you.
In 2015, End Hunger In Calvert County graduated its 8th Culinary Training Program session. Nearly 90 students have completed the program and 70% of them are now working. In addition, we launched our pilot Café Management Program adding another opportunity for individuals to learn a skill that lands them a career in the Hospitality Industry. Finally, we expanded our Calvert Cash Program and were able to provided free tax services to 229 low-income individuals. You made this growth possible.
Another victory that is your victory as well, is that in 2015 our Partner Feeding Network grew from 23 to 44 organizations. We can now say that virtually every Food Pantry in Calvert County partners with End Hunger In Calvert County. Together, we are feeding over 15,000 people every year. That is something of which we should all feel proud.
Thank you. It’s truly our honor to serve our community with you. And as we close out 2015 and look ahead towards the New Year, we at End Hunger In Calvert County are grateful for your commitment to making a difference in the lives of Calvert County residents. We already anticipate another great year – together.

Together We Can,

Rev. Robert P. Hahn, CEO

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