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End Hunger to host ‘Food for Furlough’ event Monday

End Hunger to host ‘Food for Furlough’ event Monday

October 4, 2013

Also seeks donations to help families struggling amid gov’t shutdown
In light of this week’s government shutdown, resulting in many furloughed federal employees, End Hunger in Calvert County announced it will host a “Food for Furlough” event Monday, Oct. 7.
From 2 to 4 p.m., anyone in the local community who may be hurting financially as a result of the shutdown is invited to visit the Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry at 6045 Solomons Island Road in Huntingtown, to receive frozen meats and canned foods, End Hunger spokeswoman Jacqueline Miller said.
Food portions will be distributed based on family size and needs, and no IDs will be checked, Miller said, adding that depending on how long the shutdown lasts, End Hunger may continue holding additional Food for Furlough days.
“Nobody knows how long the furloughs are going to last, but we’re going to be preparing to respond as long as we need to,” Miller said.
She said End Hunger also is asking for community donations to help supply more families with food during the shutdown.
To donate, or for additional End Hunger partner pantry hours and locations, go to

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