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End Hunger in Calvert County Joins State Initiative

End Hunger in Calvert County Joins State Initiative

March 12, 2018

During a whirlwind visit to Calvert by Gov. Larry Hogan (R) and his cabinet, Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford made a stop at End Hunger in Calvert County’s warehouse in Prince Frederick.
End Hunger recently volunteered to be the third distribution hub for an initiative started by the Maryland Department of General Services, the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives and the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development that distributes shelf-stable meal kits to nonprofits, according to a press release.
“I really thank you for what you do. … It is unfortunate that in a county and state that has such prosperity that we have people in need of food,” Rutherford said.
End Hunger takes it a step further, Rutherford said, by providing those in need with tools for self-sufficiency and not just food.
After getting a tour of the warehouse, Rutherford issued citations to End Hunger staff.
“I accept this plaque on behalf of the whole team. … I’m just the guy who gets to hold the plaque,” said the Rev. Robert Hahn, pastor of Chesapeake Church, which runs End Hunger.
The shelf-stable meal kit distribution initiative was announced by Hogan in late February and is a partnership to coordinate the acquisition and distribution of approximately 500,000 shelf-stable meal kits, valued at over $2 million, to Marylanders in need. To date, more than 156,000 kits have been distributed to 130 organizations. End Hunger in Calvert County will join the Anne Arundel County Food Bank and the Eastern Shore branch of the Maryland Food Bank in serving as a distribution hub for the food kits, with several more distribution hubs around the state expected to be announced in the coming weeks, according to a press release.

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