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End Hunger breaks records, thanks to Calvert citizens

End Hunger breaks records, thanks to Calvert citizens

December 30, 2011

To The People of Calvert County:
Thank you Calvert County, for the compassion you have shown this past year. As our economy has worsened, you have stepped up.
Your actions prove that our destiny is less controlled by elected power and more controlled by the power of your willing hands and hearts.
We often talk of quality of life in our county. Usually we measure that by controlled growth and home values. I suggest that the better measure is the quality of our people. Your generosity suggests you agree. This year was a record breaking year and together we accomplished so much.
Because of your efforts, in 2011 End Hunger In Calvert County distributed over 450,000 pounds of food to our 11 Calvert partner food pantries. That food went to the needy in our county. To put that number in perspective, in 2008, our first year, End Hunger In Calvert County’s collected 23,000lbs of food.
Although Calvert County is one of our nation’s wealthiest counties, over 10,000 county residents now regularly use local food pantries. It seems hard to believe I know. But to anyone who has been laid off, or had your hours cut back, or seen work slow down, you know it’s true. Together we are filling the gap for people who have to choose between paying the mortgage or buying food.
In early 2011, End Hunger In Calvert County opened the End Hunger Warehouse to meet the county’s pressing for a local distribution center to serve our food pantries.
2011 also marked the launch of The Farms of End Hunger; farmland dedicated to supplying fresh produce and nutritional food options to hard-hit families. Hundreds of us came out during our Annual Community Harvest Day and thousands of pounds of white and sweet potatoes.
To the thousands of volunteers who got involved and dedicated your time to serving the community, from the deepest wells of gratitude I thank you for believing in our mission of feeding the hungry in our county. I wish you and your family a happy and blessed New Year and let’s get ready to make 2012 another year for the record books.
Together We Can,
Rev. Robert P. Hahn
Chairman of End Hunger of Calvert County
Watch our latest video, Together We Can.

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