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Dickinson Jewelers auction to support End Hunger in Calvert

Dickinson Jewelers auction to support End Hunger in Calvert

July 24, 2013

Dickinson Jewelers in Dunkirk and Prince Frederick will host its first-ever jewelry auction, “Get It or Regret It!” to benefit End Hunger in Calvert County.
The auction runs for three days only, beginning at 10 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, and bidding ends Saturday, Aug. 3, at 2 p.m. Stores will be closed Wednesday, July 31, to prepare for the event.
The jewelry store is partnering with EHCC by giving customers the opportunity to win one of six prizes with a total value of more than $5,000 while helping the local community. Throughout the sale, 10 percent of all auction sales will go directly to End Hunger in Calvert County, as well as the $5 from each bidder registration and all food donations, according to a press release. Customers will receive one entry ticket for each nonperishable food item donated. A new prize drawing starts each day, so participants may stop by daily with food donations and to update bids.
“Last year, we were able to give six carts of food to EHCC and we loved it,” Alison Setzer, Dickinson’s marketing manager, said. “Everything stays in the county, and we’re able to support the community that makes us a success.”
“We couldn’t be any more appreciative of our wonderful community,” Kathy Dickinson, owner, said in the release. “It’s amazing to see all of the love and support that comes from our customers.”
Starting at 10 a.m. Aug. 1, visit either store to purchase a bidder registration card, all proceeds of which will be donated directly to End Hunger in Calvert County, and the purchaser will receive one entry ticket for that day’s prize drawing. Opening bids will start at 40 to 60 percent off the retail prices. The highest bidder at 2 p.m. Aug. 3 must come into the store before 5 p.m. to pay for the purchase. At 5 p.m., the item will go to the next highest bidder, the release states.
Dickinson Jewelers is located in Prince Frederick Market Place at 916 Costley Way (410-535-4338) and in the Dunkirk Market Place at 10286 Southern Maryland Blvd. (301-855-8770). For more information, go to
Vendors of homemade goods sought for PRAD
The Calvert Marine Museum is seeking vendors who produce homemade or homegrown goods that celebrate the “bounty of the Patuxent” for the upcoming Patuxent River Appreciation Days Festival on Saturday, Oct. 12, and Sunday, Oct. 13, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Goods may be fresh fruits or vegetables, cheese, wheat or cornmeal, fresh seafood, wine, cider or non-edible items such as soaps, scents, creams or beeswax candles. Vendors must be in compliance with all Maryland State Health Department regulations for sale and distribution of goods. To apply to be a vendor for Patuxent River Appreciation Days, call 410-326-2042, ext. 41, or email
Operation Hope on the Chesapeake coming next month
The seventh annual Operation Hope on the Chesapeake will be Saturday, Aug. 17. Between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m., there will be a bus escorted by the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office from the county line to the Rod‘N’Reel parking lot in Chesapeake Beach. Passengers on the bus will be wounded veterans from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda.
Join others in honoring fellow Americans who have risked their lives to protect U.S. freedom. Bring flags, banners and signs for the arrival of the heroes at the Rod‘N’Reel Marina, or gather along Route 260 at any of the following intersections: Route 2 at Calvert Arundel Medical Center, Woodlawn Way at Quince View Neighborhood, Wesley Stinnett Boulevard at American Legion Post 206 and Route 261 at Veterans Memorial Park.
To learn more about Operation Hope on the Chesapeake, contact Mary Mathis at 410-610-2710 or Tax-deductible donations should be made payable to Operation Second Chance: Tax No. 20-2624345, CFC No. 93327. Checks may be mailed to Operation Hope on the Chesapeake, c/o Mary Mathis, P.O. Box 993, Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732. Checks may also be directly deposited at any PNC Bank to account No. 5570744004.
Museum hosts Lore Oyster House Day, sail aboard Dee
The J.C. Lore Oyster House in Solomons will brim with activity July 27 and Aug. 10 from 1 to 4 p.m. Visitors will get a taste of what life is like for a Chesapeake waterman and the people who worked in oyster processing houses. There will be ongoing activities all afternoon, both in the oyster house and out on the dock. Try oyster tonging; learn to tie a towline and coil a rope; measure oysters and follow the path an oyster takes through the processing house from the loading dock to the shipping room. Tie on a work apron, stand in a stall and become a shucker, or take on the role of the skimmer and decide how many pints have been shucked and what the shuckers should be paid. Studying giant, soft sculpture oyster Rock-E-Feller is a great way to learn oyster anatomy.
For more information, go to, or call 410-326-2042.
Compensation Review Board to meet
The Compensation Review Board will meet Monday, July 29, at 6 p.m. in the Courthouse Square Conference Room, lower level, 205 Main St. in Prince Frederick.
The board meets to perform those duties set forth at Section 9-405 of the Public Local Laws of Calvert County, including the review of and making recommendations regarding the salaries of Calvert County officials, including members of the Calvert County Board of County Commissioners, whose salaries are set through law by the Maryland General Assembly.
For more information on the meeting or the Compensation Review Board, contact Lisa Viverette, executive administrative assistant to the county administrator, at 410-535-1600, ext. 2201, or email
Food pantry donations sought
Food donations are now being accepted at Home Place Hair Studio, 2580 Hallowing Point Road, Prince Frederick, for St. John Vianney Interfaith Food Pantry in Prince Frederick.
Hub and Spoke Task Force to meet
The task force to study the implementation of a Hub and Spoke Program in the Southern Maryland Region, otherwise known as the “Hub and Spoke Task Force,” will hold its initial meeting on Wednesday, July 31, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. The meeting will take place at the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) Office at 15045 Burnt Store Road in Hughesville, and is open to the public. The purpose is to begin identifying the most effective ways to distribute fresh, local foods to the working poor in Southern Maryland (St. Mary’s, Charles and Calvert counties), a press release states.
To attend the meeting, RSVP to Mindy Waite at 301-274-1922, ext. 1, or For notification of future meetings, check SMADC’s News and Announcements page at

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