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Bank Employees Dress Down for Charity

Bank Employees Dress Down for Charity

May 30, 2018

Community Bank of the Chesapeake kicked off its annual Casual for a Cause Program on May 1. The program allows employees to dress business casual for the summer by making a donation. This year, all proceeds raised will be donated to local organizations that help those who face hunger in Annapolis and Southern Maryland as well as Fredericksburg, Va., a press release states.
“Hunger is a real issue throughout our communities. On average, 1 out of 6 Americans struggle with hunger. We are grateful to have organizations dedicated to providing solutions to this issue and helping those in need,” Beverly Wood, senior vice president and director of human resources of Community Bank of the Chesapeake, said in the release. “That is why we have selected organizations who help those who are hungry for this year’s Casual for a Cause donations.”
Casual for a Cause runs through Sept. 1. Proceeds raised will go to End Hunger in Calvert County, Lifestyles: Samaritan Project, St. Mary’s County Soup Kitchen, Stafford Food Security Inc. and Anne Arundel County Food Bank.
“Our employees look forward to Casual for a Cause each year because it gives them the opportunity to personally contribute to the community,” Jimmy Burke, president and chief risk officer of Community Bank of the Chesapeake, said in the release. “We appreciate their help and look forward to another successful year of giving.”

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