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HELP Association donates $10k to End Hunger in Calvert

HELP Association donates $10k to End Hunger in Calvert

November 10, 2010

The HELP Association Inc. of Owings has donated $10,000 as its part in supporting End Hunger in Calvert County.
The funds will be used to provide food to be distributed through the End Hunger in Calvert County (EHCC) food pantry network.
Chairman of EHCC the Rev. Robert P. Hahn said, “This generous gift will provide literally thousands of pounds of food to our county’s neediest families; people who are our neighbors. The HELP Association is a key partner for us and they truly embody the spirit of our slogan ‘Together We Can’. This will go a long way towards reaching our goal of collecting 100,000 pounds of food during the month of October [which was dubbed End Hunger in Calvert County Month].”
Norma Houston, president of the HELP Association, said in a press release, “The HELP Association’s mission is to provide support to other community organizations that are making a difference in our community. End Hunger in Calvert County has taken on the task of filling the ever-growing food gap in our county, and we are proud to partner with them.”
HELP is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that operates a thrift shop in Owings, which raises money that is circulated back to other non-profits in the Calvert County community. It contributes to organizations both through monetary grants and material donations. Its website is HELP currently has more than 40 volunteers and a five-member executive board.
End Hunger in Calvert County is a partnership of Calvert County churches, charities, schools, businesses and government officials united behind the goal of ending hunger in Calvert County. For more information, go to <a href=”” target=”_blank”></a>.

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