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MD Food Bank recognizes Chesapeake Cares as “Rural Partner of the Year”

MD Food Bank recognizes Chesapeake Cares as “Rural Partner of the Year”

September 30, 2011

Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry, a ministry of Chesapeake Church and affiliated food pantry of End Hunger In Calvert County, is recognized as Maryland Food Bank’s Rural Partner of the Year at their Annual Partnership Conference.
Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry received the award for their innovative programs that serve the hungry in Calvert County while still teaching and encouraging self-sufficiency. In addition, the pantry is used as a model of leadership and excellence for all of Maryland Food Bank partners throughout the state.
“Chesapeake Cares has been a leader since day one,” says Deborah Flateman, Chief Executive Officer of Maryland Food Bank. “With their commitment to efficiency and effectiveness, they quickly progressed from a local church pantry to the guiding force behind a county wide safety network of organizations dedicated to the sole cause of ending hunger in Calvert County.”
Over 10,000 individuals in Calvert County currently utilize local food pantries. Of those clients, 44% are children. Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry has been serving the hungry and neediest residents of Calvert County for over 10 years. For the last four years, they have been the anchor pantry of End Hunger In Calvert County and a partner of the Maryland Food Bank for three.
About End Hunger In Calvert County:
End Hunger In Calvert County is an association of over 50 business and community leaders united behind the idea that hunger can be defeated in our county.

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