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End Hunger 5K, car show raises $6,000

End Hunger 5K, car show raises $6,000

December 21, 2011

On Saturday, Oct. 22, both the second annual Run to End Hunger in Calvert County and the inaugural Car, Truck and Bike Show, hosted by the Maryland Chevelle Club, attracted hundreds of participants.
Together, the events raised more than $6,000 for End Hunger in Calvert County.
“When I researched End Hunger in Calvert County;s website and visited one of their food pantries, I could not believe what I learned,” said Tim Deale, of the Maryland Chevelle Club, in a press release. “It is hard to believe that thousands of people are going hungry, right here in our own backyard. End Hunger in Calvert County is making a difference and I wanted to contribute.”
More than 115 runners and walkers throughout Southern Maryland supported the second annual 5k Run to End Hunger in Calvert County, held at Trinity United Methodist Church in Prince Frederick. The top three finishers of the morning were Shane Martz, 29, of Mechanicsville, Jordan Blankenship, 14, of St. Leonard and German Albalopez of Great Mills.
The inaugural Car, Truck and Bike Show was held at Bayside Chevrolet car dealership in Prince Frederick. The event had registered 172 vehicles coming from as far away as New Jersey, Virginia, Frederick, Dundalk and the Eastern Shore.
“It is events like these that show the true heart of Calvert County,” said the Rev. Robert P. Hahn, chairman of End Hunger In Calvert County. “Both the run and car show are events that happened because of two volunteers wanted to get involved and made them happen. There is something everyone can do. The car show and run prove just that.”
To learn how to get involved, go to End Hunger In Calvert County online at

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