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End Hunger In Calvert County Hosts 3rd Annual FoodStock

End Hunger In Calvert County Hosts 3rd Annual FoodStock

August 4, 2014

End Hunger In Calvert County will host FoodStock 14 on Saturday, August 9th from 8:30AM – 11AM at the End Hunger Warehouse in Prince Frederick.
That morning, over 100,000lbs of food will be sorted and distributed to over 1,000 needy families and local food pantries. They will receive nonperishable food items as well as fresh produce.
“Hunger in Calvert County has never been a food issue,” says Rev. Robert P. Hahn CEO of End Hunger In Calvert County. “We have never run out of food nor have we come close. The problem lies in helping those in need access the right kinds of food. issue. On August 9th, every person will leave with groceries, fresh produce and we will restock the shelves of our local food pantries.”
Calvert County is the 13th wealthiest county in the United States, yet over 10% of our population utilizes food pantries. On average, End Hunger’s Partner Food Pantries serve over 850 families every week.
In addition, FoodStock will be a great display of neighbor helping neighbor as hundreds of volunteers embody the #givewhereyoulive value and serve their own community.
The community is invited to be part of FoodStock by volunteering or making a donation. All donations made will directly support FoodStock efforts. Volunteer opportunities such as sorting and packing food at the End Hunger Warehouse are scheduled the week prior to the event as well as on August 9th from 8:30am – 11am.
To sign up, please for more information and to get involved.

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