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Exelon Holds Annual Trunk or Treat Event to Stop Hunger

Exelon Holds Annual Trunk or Treat Event to Stop Hunger

November 7, 2015

The night before Halloween was a beautiful night for Exelon to host their annual Trunk or Treat Event to benefit the United Way and End Hunger of Calvert County. To gain access families were asked to bring canned foods to support the cause.
With around 500 folks present, the event was a tremendous success. The accolades for the hard work to organize such a selfless community event goes to Exelon’s own Jessica Gryskewicz, Amanda Pellettiere and many others.
Hundreds of eager children filled the parking lot waiting to see the spooky trunks on display and score delicious Halloween treats.
As the families lined up for the start of the festivities, Foundation 4 Heroes cut the ribbon to start the chaos; I mean fun, with the likes of Hawkeye, Supergirl, The Joker and Batman. Although provided a dull scissor, next time The Dark Knight will use a Bat-a-rang or ribbon-cutting laser.
Jessica also volunteers to help Foundation 4 Heroes inspire children in schools, hospitals and visit with Wounded Warriors and their families.
In fact, F4Heroes is bringing over 1,000 superhero capes and masks for the children of 500 plus Wounded Warriors at their USO Christmas Party. If you or your company would like to help sponsor this holiday trip, check the F4HEROES facebook page or email info@f4heroes for more details on how you can help make a difference.
Besides fun and candy, there were prizes given out for best trunk, most original costume, scariest costume, funniest costume and doofy-est. Check out the photos and see what you think. Photos courtesy of Mike Batson Photography.
Thank you to everyone who came out and made this event a great success.
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Dr. Jay M. Lipoff
President/Founder, Foundation 4 Heroes,

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