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Bayside Auto Group Partners with End Hunger in Calvert County

Bayside Auto Group Partners with End Hunger in Calvert County

October 13, 2016

Dealership Will Donate $100 For Every Car Sold in October
Bayside Auto Group is partnering with End Hunger In Calvert in support of End Hunger In Calvert County Month.
During the month of October, Bayside Auto Group in Prince Frederick will make a $50 donation in the customer’s name for every car sold. The dealership will then match it, for a total of $100 going to feeding the hungry in our community.
“As a local business owner, I support local organizations like End Hunger In Calvert County because I know where my donation is going. I can see it make a difference right where we work and live.” says Geoff Wanamaker, President of Bayside Auto Group. “Knowing that we are making a difference in our own backyard is what motivates me and my staff and we are proud to be part of the solution here in our home town.”
End Hunger In Calvert County is a network of 44 Partner Feeding Organizations; every food pantry in Calvert County is part of End Hunger. Together they feed over 15,000 people a year – that’s over 1 MILLION pounds of food being distributed into Calvert County every year.
“What makes a community the true definition of community is when its own people take care of its own people,” says Jacqueline Miller President of End Hunger In Calvert County. “Here in Calvert, we take care of our people and when businesses show their support the way Bayside Auto Group is, that is when we see the power of our give where you live motto. The problem is real, but so it the solution and in Calvert County we are making a real difference.”
End Hunger In Calvert County is an Accredited Charity of the Better Business Bureau for meeting all 20 Standards of Charitable Accountability. The Better Business Bureau found that $0.93 of every dollar donated to End Hunger In Calvert County goes into programming and providing food for the needy.
End Hunger In Calvert County is a local charity committed to moving people from dependency to self-sufficiency. End Hunger In Calvert County has 44 Partner Feeding Organizations that serve over 15,000 people a year.

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