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Thanks for helping FBLA support End Hunger

Thanks for helping FBLA support End Hunger

February 15, 2017

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dominic Brady, Dunkirk The writer is a Northern High School Future Business Leaders of America officer.
Northern High School’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter would like to send our upmost gratitude to the people working at End Hunger in Calvert County. We want to thank them for allowing us to help them with their amazing work for our community service project this year.
We have supported End Hunger through various events and activities. Our biggest event to date has been our 14th annual silent auction, where we raised over $12,000, and the event was a big success with an attendance of over 250 people.
Northern FBLA would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Ms. Michelle Bell, NHS vice principal; several staff members from NHS; Pamela Cousins, Calvert County Board of Education president; the staff from End Hunger; Maryland FBLA Board of Directors Chairman David Jones; and Del. Mark Fisher (R-Calvert) for attending this very important event for our chapter. We would also like to thank Chesapeake Grille & Deli for their delicious meal and continued support of the FBLA chapter at NHS, the Calvert County Fairgrounds, Dunkirk Hardware and Jim’s Air for their donations, Beverly’s Gifts and Flowers of Chesapeake Beach and our cash sponsors.
Without the help of many generous people, we would have not been able to host our 14th annual silent auction. Our chapter would like to send our gratitude to everyone who attended the event, donated to the event or helped with the event in any way. Without your contributions, this event would not have been possible. We would like to thank the officers who drove weekly for over 12 weeks to obtain auction donations, those who wrote letters, the parents who gave donations, our project coordinators — Christian Kincaid, Dominic Brady and Sarah Donaldson — the parents and businesses who donated to our dessert auction and our chapter advisors, Ms. Nancy Wilt and Mrs. Theresa Jackson, for their continued support and guidance.

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