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4-H members donate pork to End Hunger

4-H members donate pork to End Hunger

January 6, 2012

The evening of Nov. 3 was an exciting one for Calvert County 4-H. It started out very cold, as 4-Hers waited outside for the Southern Maryland Meats truck to show up at the Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry. When the truck arrived, the 4-Hers climbed into the trailer and unloaded approximately 450 pounds of pork. The 4-H members donated some of the pork from their 4-H livestock projects to the End Hunger in Calvert County campaign. Their donation was truly a labor of love, as the youngsters tend and raise the livestock in their 4-H work.
There was lots of help, as the 4-H members headed inside with the boxes of meat, to put it in the pantry freezers. It only took about 15 minutes to get the meat into the freezers, thanks to the help of the proud 4-Hers. Cathy Ring, director of operations at the Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry, thanked the group. Ring further indicated that the children helped to end the hunger of more than 130 families with their donation.
The goal of 4-H is to develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility and life skills of youth through experiential learning programs, using a positive youth development approach. Though typically thought of as an agriculturally focused organization, 4-H today focuses on much more. Projects surround citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering and the arts. There is definitely something for everyone in 4-H, and programs are open to all citizens. To learn more about opportunities in Calvert County 4-H, contact the University of Maryland Extension, Calvert office, at 410-535-3662 or 301-855-1150, or email Ari Strahl or Elaine Long Bailey To see 4-H members in action, “Like” University of Maryland Extension, Calvert County 4-H on Facebook.
End Hunger in Calvert County is an ongoing community project. Every year food is donated to help needy families in Calvert. There is a need to feed more families each year. Even young people, such as 4-H members, decide to help, without being asked. To help End Hunger in Calvert County, call 410-257-5672, or “Like” End Hunger in Calvert County on Facebook.

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